This is the first time...ever...that I've entered any sort of contest. Please bear with me.
Lately I have been working with a lot of Python in my projects, so I thought it was a good idea to create something from where I started. I also like to challenge myself to try and create a clone of something already made. Que in Frontend Mentor.
This app was given as a challenge on Frontend Mentor. The goal was to create a countdown timer and get the design as close to the original as possible, including functionality. It's written in HTML, CSS, and good ol' JavaScript. It's also responsive across all devices.
The functionality works with a setInterval function, and really that's all there is in my JavaScript file. I set the countdown date to April 5th, 2021. (Special day for me). This can be changed in the JavaScript file.
The css is just standard. Most of the styling came from grabbing class names and making everything look nice. The HTML is just a handful nested divs.
This was super fun, and something I created recently for the hackathon going on! It also allowed me to hone in on my css skills, which is great since I've been focusing more on backend functionality lately.
I know it's just a simple application, but it was fun for me nonetheless! Thanks for checking it out!
Here's a link to see it live!